Create events in Apptoto. Apptoto's auto messages will be sent for the events created if Auto Messages are turned on. Otherwise, be sure to include #auto in the event information in order to tell Apptoto to send the Auto Messages configured for the account.

The request body should look like the following:

  "events": [

Each event should have the following properties

(Required unless calendar_id specified)
The name of the calendar to add the event to.

If the calendar doesn't exist then a new one will be provisioned.
(Required unless calendar specified)
The id of the calendar
The title of the event
The start time of the event in ISO 8601 combined date and time format including timezone offset. e.g. 2016-06-21T14:00:00-08:00
The end time of the event in ISO 8601 combined date and time format. e.g. 2016-06-21T15:00:00-08:00
time_zoneStringThe time zone the event is in. This will influence what time will be used in messages sent as long as the "Use time zone specified for event" option is enabled for the account (which it is by default).

See this page for timezones supported.
locationStringThe location of the event
contentStringThe content / body of the vent
Default: false
Specifies that event should be treated as an all day event
Default: null
null: "Busy"
0: "Free"
1: "Tentative"
2: "Busy"
3: "Out of Office"
4: "Working Elsewhere"
external_idStringAn optional unique identifier (should be unique across all calendars in user's account). Can be used to fetch updates and update events.
custom_dataJSON HashA hash of custom data to be attached to the event. Custom data can be used in Apptoto conditions and message templates.
participantsArrayArray of participants to be added.

This is optional. Apptoto can extract participants from the title/location/content for you. But if you want to explicitly include participants you can include them in this Array.

Each Participant object should include the following properties

nameStringThe name of the participant
emailStringThe SMTP email address of the participant
phoneStringThe phone of the participant. This phone number will be normalized based on the user's country setting. Alternatively you can include the full normalized phone number (e.g. +441212121212) and Apptoto will then skip normalization.
contact_idIntegerThe id of a contact in Apptoto to directly link the event to. You should not include name/email/phone if you provide an explicit contact_id.
contact_externalIdStringThe external_id of a contact you've created in Apptoto. The external_id can be specified when you create it in Apptoto through the API, or for some types of Address Books (like Salesforce, you can use the Salesforce contact id as the external_id)

Example Result:

  events: [ EVENTS CREATED ]
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!