Fetch a range of "events".

Please note that you can also use this API to fetch one event by id or external_id (for legacy reasons). The new proper way to fetch one event is to use the /v1/event (singular) API.

If you do not specify a phone_number or email_address... then events will not be duplicated, an each event will contain all of it's participants.

However, if you specify a phone_number or email_address... then events may be listed more than once, and each event entry returned will only have the matching participant in the participants array included.

Example Result:

  events: [ {
    id: 123,
    calendar_id: 456,
    start_time: "2016-04-15T12:00:00-07:00",
    end_time: "2016-04-15T13:00:00-07:00",
    title: "Appointment with Fred",
    location: "",
    content: "",
    is_deleted: false,
    participants: [ {
      id: 789,
      name: "Fred Smith",
      phone: "650-555-1212",
      normalized_phone: "+16505551212",
      email: "fred@gmail.com",
      state: "initial", 
    custom_data: {
      field_1: "custom value"
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